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What are the benefits of value engineering in building construction and real estate development?

价值工程有巨大的好处. This systematic approach can save you time and money on your commercial construction project, 使其对潜在投资者更具吸引力.

This process is particularly beneficial to large commercial property owners who are involved in real estate development 和建筑. 例如, 多层仓库开发商, 满足中心, 公寓综合发展, 和大规模, 价值2000万美元及以上的高价值商业地产开发项目. 

Keep reading for our guide on how to reap the benefits of value engineering without compromising on quality. Your company can save millions of dollars, simply by rethinking how your project is done. 


简而言之, 价值工程 is how commercial contractors ensure clients don’t overpay on materials and building costs when there is an equally acceptable, 更便宜的替代. The goal is to stretch the budget as efficiently as possible so that you receive more for your money and increase the return on your investment.

劳伦斯·米尔斯 首先在1947年发展了价值分析和价值工程. His job was to buy raw materials for General Electric in World War II when material shortages were at their peak. Soon, his concepts found acknowledgement as a powerful problem-solving approach. 他们的业务从通用电气扩展到其他各个行业, 包括卫生保健, 政府, 和建筑.

未来 转眼到2022年, material shortages are plaguing the construction industry; costs soared, 可用性直线下降. Contractors and developers need value engineering more now than ever to minimize the impact of these increasing costs.

六个步骤: 劳伦斯·米尔斯的 价值工程的六个步骤 is a guide to provide high-quality products for the best available budget.

1. 信息收集

识别 项目范围 以及需要哪些组件. 换句话说, 这一步会给你一个你需要什么材料的概述, 你的日程安排, 预计项目成本, 等等....... During this phase, architectural drawings and specifications are analyzed. 到最后, the whole team and owner (or owner’s rep) should be involved with the expectations of the project and its end-result.

2. 功能分析

After analyzing the individual components which we identified in step one, we go deeper to learn which items are vital to the project’s success and which may not be essential to the project’s completion. 工程师和估算人员将确定您是否可以获得 特定的材料 成本更低. Each cost reduction will avoid impacting the use or esteem of your building project. This process sometimes involves architectural design adjustments that can eliminate unnecessary construction, 在铁锹落地之前.

一旦你发现了节省成本的机会, 我们的团队可以进入第三步:创造性猜测.

3. 创造性的猜测

Here, the team will research alternative solutions to deliver your project within budget. This can include swapping out building materials for similar (but less costly) alternatives.

精益建设 在项目层面上,这是一个减少浪费的好方法吗. 这也有利于环境,因为使用的材料更少. 精益建设 also renders company 劳动 more efficient, cutting 劳动 costs.

创造性的推测将包括分析环境因素, 安全注意事项, 设备, 劳动, 项目持续时间, 便利设施及更多. 这个阶段不涉及任何形式的淘汰, only identifying budgetary weaknesses to swap out for alternatives without significant compromise on performance.

4. 评价

After identifying the alternatives, we will have a team meeting and evaluate these options with you. 我们的专家会帮你权衡利弊. This is when you will look at how well these alternatives will perform compared to the original choice, 以及你能节省多少成本. The goal is to stay true to the owner’s vision without impacting constructability.

5. 成本分析

价值工程有时与廉价建筑联系在一起, where the need to save money is more significant than providing quality and durability. 因此,进行成本分析是必要的. 简而言之, you are conducting a life cycle analysis when you assess all the costs at every project stage: From initial construction costs including materials, 土地, 设备, 和劳动, 到长期开支,如 水和能源 需要管理设施. It is essential to factor in that choosing these cheaper materials will not reduce the long-term lifecycle of your building.

When doing a cost analysis, look at the cost of the original design. Then, the price of the one that costs more now, but potentially less in time. The one that costs cheaper now may have some long-term costs attached to it, 包括维修工作或更频繁的更换费用.



要花多少钱 建筑物的寿命 你在构建?

Will future maintenance cost increases have an impact on the building’s sustainability?

6. 发展

将提出一项建议来总结你们的决定. It will have the timelines, resources, and steps needed to realize the project to fruition. 这可能包括最终图纸, 核实成本, 成本比较, 以及产品的数字模型. You will need these details to present a fully assembled set of recommendations that you can offer to 项目支持者和业主.


Using 价值工程 services can help you manage and improve your construction project along with increasing your ROI. By adopting the steps above and taking this approach from start-to-finish, 我们为客户提供了 优良的品质 建设项目. 看到 我们的投资组合 to see some of our completed construction projects in the tristate area. 阅读我们的 博客 来看看我们的 当前的项目 仍在进行中.

当你准备好开始的时候, reach out to a March representative to discuss 价值工程 your next construction project. 我们承接10- 2000万美元以上的项目. 

呼叫 973-904-0213 在工作日上午9点至下午5点之间与代表通话,或者 联系我们 给我们捎个信. 

跟上我们. 让我们去!

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