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Key Factors to Getting The Best Deal on Your Commercial Building Loan

Investors choose to develop commercial real estate because it is a stable asset. Their money is secured in the building’s value which generally increases over time. 它还由产生收入的租户维持,这些租户支付成本并提供投资回报.  提高投资回报率的最好方法之一就是节约成本, which can be achieved through Value Engineering your building project. 我们将在下面的段落中详细介绍这一点. 


获得资本密集型建设和开发所需的资金可能是一项挑战. 一个建筑项目所需的资金可能是数百万,有时是数十亿, 取决于建筑的大小和位置. 只有几家公司, 还有更少的个体, 能当场拿出这样的资金吗. There are a few ways to get around this hurdle; one is to form a consortium.

财团使几个实体(个人或公司)联合起来并为上述建设提供资金成为可能. The more people there are in the consortium, the more will be splitting the profits. This also means more individuals will have a say in the project’s construction. 这可能会导致潜在的分歧, 个人和企业选择商业贷款的原因之一是什么. 

Funding is a pretty complex subject, especially when it comes to land development. Below, we break down the subject to make it easy for you to understand. 首先,什么是商业房地产贷款?


A commercial loan is like a home mortgage, but with a few differences. 想要购买现有建筑的企业主可以获得“商业抵押贷款”。. If they plan to renovate an existing building or construct a new building ground-up, 他们将需要“商业建设贷款”.”


The bank or financial institution needs to trust you with their money. 证明信任的一个很好的方法是,如果你有管理房地产的良好记录. 这将使金融机构放心,他们的钱得到了妥善的管理. 

The bank needs a guarantee on their loan, which may take many forms. 这可以包括土地所有权或其他建筑物的契约. 你需要钱或资本来支付首付款, along with a good pitch about why they should give you the loan.

获得商业建筑贷款时, 管理房地产的经验有很长的路要走.

First, it must be clear that your project is feasible to construct. A good general contractor, such as 3月施工, can determine project feasibility. Banks also want to know that 51% of the building or more will be used for your business. 下一个, 银行会想知道你的投资与贷款相比有很高的评估价值, 或贷款价值比率. 当你为你的商业建筑支付更大的首付款时,这会提高你的LTV比率.

一旦满足了这些要求, commercial real estate loans are win-win situations for both parties. 银行靠利率赚钱,借款人获得足够的资金来实施他们的建设项目.

What makes commercial building loans different from residential?

What makes commercial building loans different from residential home loans?

住宅贷款/抵押贷款是更常见的贷款类型. 那么它们与商业建筑贷款到底有什么不同呢? 

The first and the most striking difference is the amount of money involved. 商业建筑开发所需的资金比住宅建筑要多得多.

此外,贷款价值比(LTV)也是如此.  商业贷款, 金融机构倾向于以贷款的形式提供项目价值的65%至80%.  其余部分由项目业主提供.

Financial institutions need some security and guarantee on their investment. 这种保证可以提供给开发商、总承包商或寻求建设的公司. 如果该实体没有信用评级, then the owners or principles of the entity may be asked to guarantee the said loan.  担保是指公司的负责人以财产为质押,同意在公司违约时用个人资金偿还债务.  If the lender does not need a guarantee, then the loan is known as a non-recourse loan. 

公司和实体比个人更有可能需要商业建设贷款. 住房贷款通常发放给那些希望通过建造或购买住房来进行较小投资的个人.


The interest rate on your loan will depend on several factors: Loan type, 付款计划, 本金金额. 一个数百万美元项目的商业建筑贷款可能在2%到5%之间. 这也取决于市场情况.


The amount of the loan to be paid back is a summation of the principal amount. 这是最初借的金额, 加上按利率累计的总金额. The time to pay back the loan is called the amortization period. Commercial loans tend to have a payment period of between five and twenty years.

Commercial loans have an amortization period that is longer than the term of the loan. 例如, 公司可以获得期限为七年的贷款, 摊销期为30年. This means that the corporation would pay the loan over seven years, but the amount paid would be that of a loan that lasted 30 years. 在七年结束之后, 该公司将支付一笔巨额款项来偿还剩余的金额.


LTV比率的计算方法是将所需贷款金额除以购买价格或评估价格, 以较小者为准. 例如, 如果贷款900美元,000 dollars is needed for a construction project that would cost one million dollars, LTV是90%. Borrowers with a lower ratio tend to qualify for favorable loan rates. 平均而言,银行的ltv比率往往在75%至80%之间.

A good loan-to-value ratio can help you onbtain a better interest rate.



The property that you are 规划 to build must be able to sustain its operating costs. It also needs to service the commercial loan taken out without injecting more money. Show the bank your business plan and outline to increase their trust in your project. 

将你的净营业收入除以年还本付息,就得到你的还本付息比率. The net operating income of the property should be more than the annual debt service. This is one of the factors that qualifies a project as “feasible.”


Loan repayment is another aspect you will need to take into account. 投资者希望拿回他们的钱,而且希望及时拿回. If you are not able to pay the loan amount due in time, penalties are likely to accrue. 处罚主要有四种类型.


提前还款罚款是最常见的一种罚款. 它是通过将未支付的金额乘以贷款时商定的既定利率来计算的.


如果贷款比预期提前还清, the lender may still be entitled to an amount of interest that was already specified.


这是指贷款的借款人在一段指定的时间过去之前无法偿还贷款, 比如说五年.


这是抵押品的替代品. 而不是向贷款人支付现金, 借款人可以交换新的抵押品, 比如证券和债券. 这就减少了费用, 但是,当以这种方式偿还贷款时,会附带一些处罚.


一旦你获得了商业贷款,有很多方法可以使你的商业贷款最大化. 贷款优化减少了需要支付的利息. 它还确保不会产生罚款,并在较短的时间内还清贷款. 这能帮你省钱.


当你优化你的项目时间表时,这会节省你的钱.  长期项目在劳动力和机器上的成本更高. It also puts off when you can start making your money back via rent and sales.

同时确保在项目建设上花费的时间最少, 许多人会满足于低质量. 从长远来看,这可能是一个错误. 没有人愿意租一个低质量的空间, 是仓库吗?, 一个办公室, 甚至是多户住宅. The perfect balance between time and quality optimization needs to be struck. 做到这一点的最好方法是给自己找一个好的总承包商或施工经理.

Fast-tracking your construction project can save you money on labor and machinery. 它还可以帮助你更快地带来租金和销售额.

General constructors cover all aspects of construction management. 一个好的GC知道您对想要创建的空间有一个愿景,并且愿意实现您的目标. 找一个总承包商,从过去和他们一起工作过的人那里得到很好的推荐和推荐.

如果你的商业建筑项目是在纽约市区,3月施工 & 咨询是一个很好的选择. 3月施工是ENR全国400强承包商之一,并被提名为2020年NJBIZ年度企业.

三月带来了30多年来建筑业的卓越成就, 与东北地区的aaa级客户合作. 我们提供商业建筑和总承包. 这包括设计-构建, 分段装配, 项目管理, 网站开发, 建筑咨询等. March works on a variety of different commercial building types, 这就是工业, 零售, 住宅, 和办公室. 我们在快速建设项目方面经验丰富.


One of the best ways to increase your ROI is to lower your costs. 我们鼓励客户使用我们的价值工程服务. 价值工程是一种系统的方法,可以确保您不会为您的商业项目支付过高的费用. This will help you receive the best quality while getting the most savings. 由于劳动力和材料成本的大幅增加,价值工程在今天的市场中更加必要.


  • 替代材料
  • 安装一个 暖通空调系统 这样可以节省您的初始安装费用, 或者安装一个自动化系统,为您节省数千美元的运营/公用事业成本. 
  • 价值工程 你的建筑的整体设计和结构,以削减成本.
价值工程ing can cut costs and increase your return on investment.


Commercial building construction can be very labor and capital-intensive. 这似乎是一项艰巨的任务, but hiring a good construction manager and general contractor will make things easier. 我们可以负责后勤, 规划, and management with excellent communication every step of the way. We can also help partner you with a good lender if you need financing.

For your commercial building, you would want the best quality at the cheapest rate. 今天给我们打电话. We can help you bring in your commercial project on time and under budget.

跟上我们. 让我们去!

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